Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Extremely early in the morning about 3am, i was being scold by a jerk till i woke up by his language! WTF! is he losing his mind of scolding people without any reason! HE LOST HIS PHONE CHARGER!! and how pity he is by losing a charges so he cant chat with his lovely girlfriend around 3am and she had exam paper next morning!!! Is he a nut no!! i can tell that he definitely not a nut, but an ASSHOLE!!!! First i am totally innocent for keeping his charger away and in fact he always throw his charger around my place so usually i will put it back to his place. Do i did anything wrong? and i did even touch his charger for month since i swap handset with my bro so i m using sony ericsson fucker. then by that time he couldn't find his dick, he started to curse by family, me and some sort of like being crash by car blah blah was so loud until woke me up and fuck on my face. i told him that i din touch his things for months but he just cant stop shitting with his mouth. Then he went to his sister room and it was in her room!!!! and the moment he get back the charger from that room he knew it was not my false and i m not the person to be blamed....right i did nothing....but he still continue cursing me....wat the fuck men!!! get away from my life and i m so glad that he will be moving soon but before that please return my money asshole....enough for ur shit that u don have money and blah blah blah, i know u jerk giving excuse!!!!


Anonymous said...

wHat haPpen oh? yOu sEemed so unHappy recEntly..mAYbe i shud give you a cAll and talk you..tAke cAre...

Jian said...

long time din hear from u r u there?i msg u but i don think u get tat.....i m very busy and lot of unhappy things just simply pop up anywhere='( some more sick now....yesterday supposed finish 2 reports and find sources for presentation but i cant even finish one report.....

Anonymous said...

rElax reLax...i finished my exam few days i am trying to look for a job here...i dIn recEive your msg...gAmbadEh...i always support you oh~^^~

Jian said...

thanks ya=) hehehe.....recover ad now feel better...waiting for u to come back oh=)