Monday, April 11, 2005


I finished my last exam for my diploma!!!But it also mean that some of my friends will left='( Wei Lun and JoAnNe....bye...this could be the last second we gather around.. anyway you all still are my friends!!!!

The moment i stepped out from the exam hall i felt like i am beyond the sky and feel damn good!But jz after a while i was thinking about Wei Lun and Jo. My advance year will be a dump without them. Then without thinking too much we as in a gang, me ,WeiLun, Joanne, MingKit, Trixie and Siang Yee went for fun!We went to S.Yee's boy boy house, and the houses there is extemely huge!i cant stop wonder how can ppl earn such a lot money like tat one car not enough for them or 5cars look nice a bit? When can i earn tat amount of money? but i dun think is a priority for me at this state, men shouldn't jz physically feeded!Without filling the spirit will lead to a life like animal or worst a zombie.

After wondering some much, we went to 1 utama for dinner...The restraurant is a Italian style but i cant tell the name already. We place ourselves into a very private bulgany. Jz a table for 7 of us and no one could interupt us by that time. Having a great food and topic, we killed bout one and the half hour there..after that pool came next between me and wei lun....I won the game!! Sori about that Wei Lun=P then we went ss2 for dessert!!! i ended our gathering there but it is before we stick there for about 3 hours...Is a taboo to break that 3 hours.I don't know whether they realize or not, our date or gathering wont go exceed 3 and i think that is already an acheivement for us.

Lastly all the best for Wei Lun and Joanne.Hope that they are doing well all the time and they will not be forgotten...Bye FrenZ.....and Buddies!!


Anonymous said...

hOho~``fInaLly u fInished ur exam..
i wIsh i cOuld gO to yOur gRaduAtIon!!!toO bAd i caN't..='(
aNyway..hAppY enJoYing yoUr hOlidAy ya...gO fOr wOrk!! @@
nIte nIte~~~zZzZzZzzZzzz....

Anonymous said...

*sobs* *sobs* I'm missing you guys already! I can't believe that we're all gonna have to move on! *huggles*