Sunday, May 14, 2006

Huh...tour to Melacca?!

it's kinda wierd that i visit here without any planning as i was before. When i woke up yesterday morning, a movie came to my mind and a moviemate was needed ,at least for me. Then time to call up someone who is free, and list go like this
  1. V Hann -not free.. on the way to kl
  2. Seng Leong - not free... since exam is coming soon
  3. Yong Keng-in Melacca since exam coming either.......

then fine!!make up my mind...go alone but suddenly Yong Keng told me that Chang went hospital 2 days before. What happened? something like swelling in some parts of his body...then rushing melacca came to mind and there will be great as in a sweet roomate try to be nice=) Fine dressed up immediately and told mom not going to have lunch home today. Bus come as alternative choose since i don have car that moment, hate to drive and don't actually know where the hell is melacca if driving alone=) then the one day trip started (thought it was) then got ticket and moving....

On the way, start calling for help and hoped desperately that someone will take me to that hospital. Unfortunately, no one did free by that time....hehehe...fine and advanture start=) finally i made my way there with an empty stomach and remember that i haven't took anything besides a little bit of carrot cake. Called Tiong for lunch by 30 minutes passed 3pm...then great meal in Sushi King and took me rm20 (quite satisfied with that) and then time to visit=) it was 5pm by then so most likely i couldn't make my way back johor.


Me : hello mom, i afraid that i couldn't get home by today since i reached melacca quite late...........blah blah blah.........

Mom: ok....but got any place for you to hang out the whole nite?

Me : sure (the only plan i got is just to stay in hospital....hehehehe). Probably my other friend have a king size for a nite (lying).

Mom: ok but don't hang out middle of nite.

Me: ok....and remember to keep some of the stuff u cooked for me( hehehe....a way to make my mom happy always).

Then besides visiting Chang, i also show my present to uncle opposite Chang's bed=) hehehe...gossip with stranger as usual....

time passed.....friends come and go.....

night time!!! sneak out for football match with FA final....till 1am and fetch him back hospital then i come to seniors house for a bed=) Chang went with the needle still on his hand and 4 holes after surgery=) hahahaha.....what the crap am i doing here!


Anonymous said...

Holy crap! What happen to our dear Ah Chang? But since you are talking so much about yaself and show so less concern except visiting him in the hospital because you are too bored at home :p So, I assume that Ah Chang is fine la. Send my regards to him and hope him have a speedy recovery.

Jian said...

gut got some precipitate need jz remove it gutless ad next time don dare him anymore...he jz cnt take it=)

Anonymous said...

bahahhahahaa... nice adventures.

like frodo in lotr

Anonymous said...

Gall bladder being removed ... pity guy ... kEeekeE ~
Lucky discovered earlier oso ..
why u always go to melaka hospital ya? heEhe ... =P

Anonymous said...

ooo, Gull Bladder, i was thinking all the while, what is it called in english~ the moral of the story, must always ask ppl like shin di and hendrick who study pharmacy and medicine....