Saturday, July 22, 2006

Poor Junior

This morning i was asked to invigilate junior's mid term test and was the second time i did that. A guy was found reading note inside that hall though he passed up the answer script but as a rule he cant leave when 30 minutes remain...then i went up and told him not to read the material while his friends still having exam, and i think i was polite enough to him as a senior. But the fucker threw the notes on the table and other invigilator told me that he scolded me with 3 letter words..WTF....Then he was called out after exam by lecturer....the way my lecturer did was really amazed me that he did even speak a single word...where the fucker already tell the whole sence and yet still think that he did nothing wrong talking and flicking notes inside the exam hall while the exam still on!!!! and he cried to prove his "innocence" but in fact he already admit what he did after all....What a coward guy!!! Silly...silly...silly....

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