Saturday, July 16, 2005

Wasting time=)

As in a advanced year student, i should hardwork than before.but recently i found that most of my time spend for nothing and i couldn't finish my homework and report earlier (hehe,my record was 5 report didn't handup on time and begged for delay from the lecturers, luckily they still let go me) So,i need to be more organized!! Anyway,I wasted lot of time in nothing. So i should make a change for my lifestyle so that i will not GOOD FOR NOTHING =)

Well, beside that i really very freak out with the TM NET company and sickening for their service hotline!!!I had been calling that line about an hour for each day continueously 2weeks!!! And end up i still can use my streamyx. What the heck they are doing up there?? Waste my money and the bill is started running from 5July now!!! And what more that they are having such lousy operators that don't even know what the manner should they hold as in talk to customer!!

Another thing is that i had been going back hometown for 3 weekends. Can you believe that? I mean as in people who know me that I seldom go back that frequent...wasting the time travelling in bus and do nothing...Shit men and i swear to myself not for next week again since i haven't study for my midterm test!!!

Hehehe.....conclusion I am not good for nothing!!!!! At least i know the way of wasting time =P

P/S.....What kind of dude I am=)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehE...the TM net rEally quite sUcks ya...cOme bAck hometOwn and mEeting with me is NOT consider as wAsting timE ya...=P...wOrk hArd for your rePorts and mId teRm oh!
gAmbadE!! .^^.