Saturday, December 30, 2006

End of 2006

it's end od 2006 which me i going to work soon! even though i am planning with my master degree but i do not have a solid proposal yet for that.. I hate walking around in college nowadays since everybody start talking about what type of job they prefer and the pay and blah blah doesn't have to be like that...i don't agree with some of the people keep on talking about we shouldn't study anymore since it make your life shorter and more suffer....get away from me!!! i wish i manage to continue with my post study. I don't really prepare for a sale job for chemical or so... Besides that i found that recently i was being aggresive towards things around me... i really felt miserable at this stage and hopefully i take a short away from kl for a short while will help a if u guys got any plan pls inform me!!!


Anonymous said...

Do whAtevr you fEel comfortAble ..
You know ppl who understand you will support you for whAtever decIsion you mAke .. gAmbade neh ~

Anonymous said...

You ca have a swimming tour in Johor for your short vacation XD