Monday, December 19, 2005

high fever='(

saturday night morning felling not so well. thought that maybe the whether change so doesn't really took it seriously, then nite i was like so dead can't even wake up from my bed. the worst is that i had a test this afternoon and i haven't finish studying all!!! can't help with the fever then went for doctor.. He said high fever 39'C and blah blah blah ....take medicine for 4 days if fever not gone then have to do blood test and suspect for denggi.....what the crap!!!!


Anonymous said...

put egg on head can cook or not?

Anonymous said...

hIgh fevEr? hMmmMm...sOunds nOt that gOod..dEnggi? sO scAry yAh?
tAke gOod cAre of yOurseLf leh...
hEhe..fInally I bougHt ur pResent alreAdy..mY bOy boY jEalous yOu soMe moRe..=P
gOing bAck sOon...sO...wAit fOr me ya..mIss ya...^^...

Jian said...

hahaha...tell him not to worry that much lya=) hehehe....i met yoke huey few days ago in mid valley...feel much more better now ad so don worry ua=) my industrial training still have reply=( donno where to work now...if really cant get then i will work starbucks there gua..l

Anonymous said...

mAybe yOu wIll bE mUch mOre hAppIer tO woRk in sTarbUcks..^^..