Having chemistry practical today and i realized that some of my group members can be that selfished!!! Start from this Wednesday, one of my group member which i don't really have a good impression since the very first moment i met him, we supposed to do centrifugation and the instrument supposingly is one for each group, then the fella just came to my table and simply took away my apparatus without asking and by that time i was looking at him!!!! and what pissed me is that he glared at me for a short while then took away a "lan si" face....Damn him!!!! If he is not my friend's boyfriend, i will nail him behind that lab and shoot him off. Because of him, my group finished the experiment late..and i have to apologize to my friends....If i shoot him off that time then you all no need to wait that long. While today's experiment supposed i can come home earlier, but the lovely couple really share the same bitchy behavour that put them together...what's that....SELFISH!!!!! They just concern about themselve and never bother about queueing. Everybody doing the same experiment and waithing for the same instrument, why must they jump queue and don't even realise that they are extremely rude to those whose are queueing. As a conclusion i can puzzle up why they are couple! Bless them won't be so selfish towards each other.
put on a strap-on dildo and butt-f.ck him until he screms out your name in 12 different languages and begging for mercy.
i have such encounters too. asspioca la.. who else?:P
good grieef...ya fren's suggestion is so violent..i haf no comment on how u gonna fuck tat fren's bf of ya..
but anyway,wahlau eh...cant u write something new?!i heard this at home and i tot i might find something new in ya blog..
hell damn..its the same thing!!!
u seriously got this "self repeating syndrome"!..gosh..am living wit a freak..
aIks...nExt tIme fIsh tHem up immediately!!! People who don't noe how to respect others is not worth for your respectation.
I arrived Aus safely ya...juz chAt with you in MSN if got chance..^^..
tAKe cARe oh!!!
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