Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Why is me=''''(

Being a nice student, quietly place my ass on the front seat and i was so innocent. Suddenly my new course representative with is also my friend went in front of the lecture hall and start the election of the new treasurer for the next 2 year. Due to my sixthsense, i knew that she will definately call my name so i just pretend busy and lower down my head and hope that she won't see me or though that i was not around.Then a long pause.........no one was giving piece of sound. Suddenly i heard of my name had been called out and someone start asking whether yong jian is in the hall or not.Dammit...i was called by my course rep!!! Then with no one to bother this post so I am the damn tresurer now='( Now I only realise that the feeling being sobotage by friend='(

For the same day,I was damn pissed off with myself that i used 3hours for chemistry experiment and turn up i can't even get a right reading in fact there is a lot of result that i should record!!! I can't blame much since i had the responsible. But what i done that day i am damn sure that no error occur and why will this happen to us all the time???? By end of the class, i found out that the most simple part which also the most important part had been prepared with the wrong ratio that not suppose be done! And this sample ruined my whole experiment !By now i realised that communication for a team is very important. I just hope that we can do better next time and be more alert. AND I miss those partner last time in diploma year!!!!


Anonymous said...

iT sOunds rEally bAd...fEel so kEsian for u...treasurer...a tErrIble jOb...sIgh...
ExperIment is aLways lIdAt...u spEnt sO mUch tIme bUt it aLways turNed up wIth cRappy resUlt...bE carefUl nExt tiMe and i bElieve that it wIll become bEtter...
gAmbAdeh ya ~~^^~~

Anonymous said...

Hey, well, being a treasurer isn't that bad right? I mean, looking it at this way, the whole course trusts you. Good right? And yeah, whos the lab partner that you miss in diploma eh? Hahahahahha. Perasan. I know, I'm careless too. And very clumsy. So yeah I know its not me =D