What is the purpose of life???
Two semester ago i was starting to be deal with the word alone. From that moment i start to wonder what should i do after by then to kill my time and all the crap. Staying outside from home is not a easy task. Without a companion it makes you feel more terrible. Then i start wondering why i am here and what should i do or should someone give me some hints. By that time i try to search for answer for my life, i try to think a lot, see a lot , ask a lot.......Why do i have to do some??? Just for a simple answer that what is the purpose of life!!
It is a shame to tell that i still can't find my answer up to this moment while i am 21='( At the very first moment i was wonder that maybe i was feed no enough love and care. When friends become your enemy, start to betray you and leaving you- You are standing alone!!! So i stop the one i was before and start a brand new me...Of cause lot of friends in my old time dislike this changes...
What do i care now is why i am here....can someone give me a hint???
Friday, April 08, 2005
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yOoOohOoo~~cAre so mUch for wat..ppl who cAnt aCcept your changes is nOt ur fAult man...bE hAppy wiTh urSelf...aT lEast i cAn accEpt wAt...^^...
yOu're nOt alOne man...aT leAst u sTill hAve my aCcompaNion..thOugh i'm fAr faR aWay from yOu..bUt wiLl suPpoRt yOu wHeneveR u NeEd soMeoNe..rEmeMbeR ya?
hOho...cHeer uP...
Heys, don't think I'll say much here, but do check my blog out sometime. Prolly I might have the answers to your questions =D Meanwhile, be patient. Take care.
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