Tuesday, February 17, 2009

experimental with sleep early wake up early

Yesterday i heard one of my colleague she actually sleep around 9pm and wake up 6 every morning. so my experiment start as below:

Title : Human Sleeping Hours

Objective : To prove that sleep early whether can wake up early in the morning

Method :
  1. Before sleep make sure you brush your teeth
  2. before u bursh your teeth make sure u have your dinner
  3. before u have your dinner make sure u take ur shower
  4. Before u take ur shower make sure u go home on time after work and
  5. Blah blah blah blah........................................
  6. then 10pm sharp light up essential oil and classical music..
  7. tonite special...Haydn String Quartet in G Major, Op.76 No.1~3
  8. ok
  9. everything ready
  10. Go SLEEP!!!!
  11. then dreaming............
  12. Wake Up!!!!

Precaution : Don't drink too much water before sleep in case middle of the nite wake up and pee which will disturb the cycle of sleep..

Result: Wake up time 7am

Discussion: the predicted time was 6am where the actual wake up time is 7am. the different between the actual and estimated time totally differ 1 hour. where as in the middle there is no interruption of the sleeping cycle.


  1. The theory of sleep early and wake up early is totally nonsense.
  2. or I am just too tired....buahahahah

Suggestion on further study: Please make sure that don't do this stupid experiment again=)